Home Study: Awesome Science Websites

Hi guys,

I am going to post some awesome science websites that will be useful for your home study for the next couple of weeks. I also have many science links on the sidebar for you to check out. I also have lots and lots of books that are science related. You can click on the “Books of the month” tab and you will see books that go along with each subject we have been learning.

#1. Mystery Science: (0ne of my favorites and they are making it free during this crazy time.)


#2. Generation Genius (Amazing)

You can get a free month here, even if you had a trial before: If your school remains closed beyond one month, email us and we can extend. This is meant to be temporary assistance during the pandemic.

#3. Digital breakout games (covers the 4 c’s: Communicate, Collaborate, Creativity and Critical Thinking, as well as covers standards, age appropriate k-HS, games for all grades):


 #4. UEN:


#5. Wonderopolis:


#6. NASA:



#7. 3 Weeks of Makerstations:


#8. Scholastic:


#9 Science Buddies:


#10. Science Sparks:


#11 Science for kids:


Home Study: My Science Lesson Plans

Here are some of the lesson plans I was going to teach to the students for the remainder of the year. Feel free to try them at home. I also posted a whole list of great science websites as a resource for parents!

TITLE: 2019 LESSON: Chemical Reactions

NGSS SCIENCE DOMAIN: Physical science


OBJECTIVE/CORE IDEA: PS1B- Chemical reactions

SUPPLIES NEEDED: pie tin, sand, baking soda, powdered sugar, mixing bowl, lighter fluid, lighter, water, oil, vinegar, baking soda, powdered drink, clear carbonated drink, raisins, yeast, hydrogen peroxide, thermometers, milk, food coloring, dish soap


WORK PERIOD: Smartboard presentation on Chemical reactions


3rd- 5th

  • Chemical reaction can produce heat


  • Break out into groups and have each table do a carbon snake demo with help from SUU volunteer and myself





  • Bobbing raisins in soda vs. water


  • Soap milk & colors



Just place some drops of food coloring as shown in the video over the milk (regular whole milk works best) and dip the q tip into some dish soap. Place the q tip with the drop of soap directly onto the food coloring and watch the colorful fireworks!

Your carbon sugar snake is the product of three chemical reactions that are all dependent on heat. The first of these reactions occurs when sugar combusts (burns) in the presence of oxygen. This produces carbon dioxide gas and water vapor (also a gas), which pushes more of the sugar/baking soda mixture upwards. Some of this additional sugar heats up but doesn’t have access to any oxygen, so instead of burning, it undergoes thermal decomposition, producing solid carbon and more water vapor. This solid carbon now gives the snake some shape, and also gives the snake its black color. Lastly, the baking soda also decomposes in the heat, producing solid sodium carbonate, and carbon dioxide gas and water vapor. Altogether, these three reactions produce both the solid components of the snake (carbon and sodium carbonate) and hot gases (CO2 and water vapor) that expand and inflate the snake up and out of the sand bowl. The sand in this experiment doesn’t chemically react with anything in the growing snake. Instead, it evenly distributes the heat from the burning lighter fluid to the sugar and the baking soda, ensuring a slow, steady burn and the growth of a long carbon sugar snake.



TITLE: 2019 LESSON: The Human body (Heart and Skeleton)/ Curioscope


CROSS CUTTING CONCEPTS (CCC’S): Systems and system models

OBJECTIVE/CORE IDEA: LS1 A: Structure and function LS1 B: Growth and development of organisms

SUPPLIES NEEDED: Curioscope shirts, Ipad with downloaded curiscope app, x rays, stethoscopes, pulse oximeters, yarn, standard straws, pearl drink straws or larger straws, construction paper, tape, scissors, plastic sewing needles, sock, orange juice, bread, cup, bowl, water

DEMONSTRATION: Show large poster of human body, Digestive system activity GS (generation science) Human body systems lab-

Sock, orange juice, bread, cup, bowl, water: Act like a bowl is your mouth and tear up the bread to put in the “Mouth”. Now spray the bread with a water bottle “Your saliva” and mash the bread up like your teeth would. Next add the mushy bread down the sock that is turned inside out around the cup. The cup is like it’s going down your “throat”. The sock represents your “stomach” Next add the orange juice which represents the “stomach acid”  and squeeze out the juice into the cup. Talk about how digestion starts in the mouth and how it goes through the small and large intestine and all about the digestive system.

WORK PERIOD: Smartboard presentation on the human body




  • Lung model- everybody
  • Look at xrays and assemble
  • Curioscope demonstrations, (2 tables)
  • Stethoscopes and Pulse oximeters
  • Color a picture


  • Skeletal hands
  • Straw pumps


  • Curioscope demonstrations
  • Lung model
  • Ball squeeze experiment
  • Stethoscopes and pulse oximeters
  • Make skeletal hands out of straws or hydraulic hands


Ball squeeze experiment. Take your pulse. Times it by 4 minutes. So 70 beats a min X/4 min = 280 beats. Squeeze tennis ball 350 times. Time yourself and see if your skeletal muscle is slower or faster than your cardiac muscle.

Make a straw (veins) pump into balloon (heart) Test how many seconds it takes to blow up balloon regular versus blowing through the straws. Represents heart pumping blood through veins. Test against control (blowing up balloon without straws

GS- brown paper bag/straw/tape lungs. Practice blowing into it. What happens to your stomach when you take deep breaths? Think about this as you model what the lungs do while breathing. Write down in your notebook what happens when you blow into the paper bags. 


Use the body systems worksheet




TITLE: 2019 LESSON: Earth’s Landforms

NGSS SCIENCE DOMAIN: Earth & Space Science 

CROSS CUTTING CONCEPTS (CCC’S): Cause and effect, Systems & system models, Scale & proportion

OBJECTIVE/CORE IDEA: ESS2B: Plate tectonics & large scale system interactions, ESS2C: The roles of water in Earth’s surface processes

SUPPLIES NEEDED: Sand, water droppers, bins, water, candles or a hot plate, paper plates, push pins, lighter

INTRO: Rules, science awards. 

DEMONSTRATION: Plate tectonics paper plate and heat demo. The intense heat at the Earth’s core causes molten rock in the mantle layer to move in a convection pattern.  Warm material rises, cools and then sinks down. Draw a spiral on paper, cut out and push a pin through. Have a candle at the bottom. The warm air will rise and make it spin in a convection current.


WORK PERIOD: Smartboard presentation. Earth’s landforms and what causes them.



  • Google Earth different landforms- canyons, lakes, mountains
  • Make paper plate circles for heat convection waves
  • Erosion stations
  1. http://science-class.net/archive/science-class/Lessons/Geology/Weathering_Erosion/WandE_3.pdf
  2. http://science-class.net/archive/science-class/Lessons/Geology/Weathering_Erosion/WandE_2.pdf
  3. http://science-class.net/archive/science-class/Lessons/Geology/Weathering_Erosion/WandE_1.pdf
  4. http://science-class.net/archive/science-class/Lessons/Geology/Weathering_Erosion/WandE_4.pdf
  5. http://science-class.net/archive/science-class/Lessons/Geology/Weathering_Erosion/WandE_6.pdf
  6. http://science-class.net/archive/science-class/Lessons/Geology/Weathering_Erosion/WandE_8.pdf


Moonsand building- 2 tables

Normal sand


weathering stations



TITLE: 2019 LESSON: Growing crystals

NGSS SCIENCE DOMAIN: Physical science


OBJECTIVE/CORE IDEA: PS2B- Types of interactions

SUPPLIES NEEDED: Ammonia, bluing, salt, sponge, water, food coloring, bowls, pipe cleaner, cups, toothpicks, tape, sugar, flavors, space heater, hot plate/microwave, disposable mini cups with kids, distilled water, epsom salt or alum

DEMONSTRATION: Make rock candy and show some examples or Show crystal growing dolomite. Pour distilled white vinegar on top and put in window for observation. Talk about the origin of popcorn rocks. Observe over the next couple of days.

WORK PERIOD: Smartboard presentation on crystals,



Make crystals- SALT/not edible (leave in classroom)





  • Salt Crystals: just basic over saturated salt water that’s been boiled. Add a string/pipe cleaner over a pencil/toothpick on top of a cup/mini cup and salt crystals will form. (could take home clear liquid in cups disposable mini cups with lids)


Make a crystal solution and try creating your own 3D snow picture. (take home)

  • Create a crystal solution by mixing 2 cups of sugar (or 3 tablespoons of borax) into a cup of hot water until it is fully dissolved.
  • Find a piece of black card.
  • Dip your paintbrush into the crystal solution.
  • Paint your snow picture.  (It will be invisible at first so you will have to imagine what you are drawing).
  • Hold the picture in front of the heater and your picture will appear like magic.
  • So what’s happening? The liquid in the solution evaporates, leaving behind a film of delicate crystals in the shape of what you drew earlier.

*Salt crystals for kids


HANDOUT: Homemade candy crystals




TITLE: 2019 LESSON: Testing pH in different soils and common household products. Acids/bases. Forest fires and erosion. 

NGSS SCIENCE DOMAIN:  Earth and Space Science

CROSS CUTTING CONCEPTS (CCC’S): Cause and effect, Systems & system models

OBJECTIVE/CORE IDEA: ESS3C- Human impacts on Earth’s systems, ESS3B- Natural Hazards, PS1B- Chemical reactions, PS2B- Types of interactions

SUPPLIES NEEDED: Litmus strips, different soils, different household chemicals, vinegar, baking soda, lemon juice, bleach, cola, distilled water, water droppers, bins, brown bags.

DEMONSTRATION: Go over science and engineering practices. Show 4 brown baggies of different soil samples. Call on one student to come stick his/her hand in and describe it to the students…the feel, the smell, the weight, etc. Talk about each soil sample (ie: clay, sand, dirt, potting soil, pebbles/rocks, etc.)

WORK PERIOD: Smartboard presentation. Explain what happens in a fire. The pros and cons to the forest fire. Explain erosion and flooding. Talk about the regrowth and what the ash does to the soil after a fire. Explain acid/base. 6.5 on the pH scale is the optimal pH for garden soil.



  • Test pH of different soils, different household products with Litmus strips. Test pH of soil with vinegar mixed with distilled water and with baking soda mixed with distilled water. If the soil reacts to the vinegar, than it is more alkaline. If it reacts to the baking soda, than it is more acidic. Compare this to a control with the soil mixed with distilled water and dip the litmus strip in.


  • Test the pH of different household chemicals

(lemon juice, water, vinegar, baking soda, coca-cola, borax soap, ammonia, bleach, etc.)

  • If extra time, read “Dirt” by Steve Tomecek

HANDOUT: Test your own soil at your house and find out if it is basic or acidic.



TITLE: 2019 LESSON: Archaeology, Paleontology

NGSS SCIENCE DOMAIN: Life Science, Earth and Space Science

CROSS CUTTING CONCEPTS (CCC’S): Patterns, Stability and Change

OBJECTIVE/CORE IDEA: LS4-1 Analyze and interpret data from fossils to provide evidence of the organisms and the environments in which they lived long ago LS4.A: Evidence of Common Ancestry and Diversity. Some kinds of plants and animals that once lived on Earth are no longer found anywhere.
Fossils provide evidence about the types of organisms that lived long ago and also about the nature of their environments. 

SUPPLIES NEEDED: Plaster of paris, modeling clay (playdough), toy dinosaurs, plastic knives, non-latex gloves, baking soda, vinegar, bins, water balloons, water, mini dinosaurs, salt, droppers

DEMONSTRATION: Show the different fossils, pass them around the classroom.

WORK PERIOD: Smartboard presentation on dinosaurs, fossils and archaeology.


  1. Plaster of paris dinosaur fossils


  1. Baking soda eggs


  1. Excavate dinosaurs out of plaster of paris with paint brushes, plastic knives, etc.
  2. Dinosaur ice excavating


TITLE: 2019 LESSON: Engineering- Hexbug maze

NGSS SCIENCE DOMAIN: Engineering/Tech & Application of Science

CROSS CUTTING CONCEPTS (CCC’S): Structure and function

OBJECTIVE/CORE IDEA: Engineering/ Tech & Applications of Science 1- Engineering Design and ETS 2- Links among engineering, technology and science on society and the natural world.

SUPPLIES NEEDED: Hexbugs, straws, poster board, tape, scissors, paper


Science word of the day, video journal, quote of the day discussion, joke of the day.


Engineer something and build it- block tower, log house, pvc pipe, airplane


Smartboard presentation: Learn about what an engineer does-

Concepts: STEM, Math and Science

  1. Simple to complex
  2. How math, science and engineering all work together
  3. Explicitly bring out that our knowledge of materials is related to science, that our knowledge of geometry, angle and shapes is related to math, how they work together to solve problems relates to engineering.
  • Watch video on paper airplane challenge


*Plan, carry out and build hexbug mazes, test mazes


*Design paper airplanes and see which one flies the farthest- have a challenge.

HANDOUT: Different habitats for hexbugs at home- Playdough, legos, magna tiles, cardboard tubes, crafts sticks, etc.



Book List: Paleontology/ Archaeology

Tea Rex by Molly Idle

See the source image

The Enormous Egg by Oliver Butterworth

Big Tracks, Little Tracks by Millicent E. Selsam

See the source image

Is A Blue Whale The Biggest Thing There Is? by Robert E. Wells

See the source image

Dinosaur Valley by Mitsushiro Kurokawa

See the source image

Fossils Tell Of Long Ago by Aliki

See the source image

The Fungus That Ate My School by Arthur Durros

See the source image

How Do Animals Adapt? by Bobbie Kalman

See the source image

Mouths and Teeth by Elizabeth Miles

Paperback Mouths and Teeth Book

How Do Dinosaurs Go To School? by Jane Yolen & Mark Teague

See the source image

Time Flies by Eric Rohmann

See the source image



2019 Lesson: Paleontology/Archaeology

See the source image

Paleontology is the study of dinosaurs. Archaeology is the study of human activity through the recovery of artifacts, architecture, biofacts, cultural landscapes, etc.  We will learn about fossils and how scientists figured out what dinosaurs ate based on bone structure. It is important to know our past so we can better understand our future.

In class we will be doing plaster of Paris dinosaur fossils and excavating them. We will also be doing baking soda dinosaur eggs. This lesson is DYNO-mite!

2019 Lesson: The Arctic

See the source image

We are learning about the Arctic in class. The students are learning about climate change, what life is like on the arctic and other interesting facts like how 10% of the Earth’s fresh water is frozen in the ice in the arctic.  They are learning about arctic animals and how they survive in such cold climates.

In class we are doing experiments with “blubber” and testing out cold temperatures with crisco. We are also making “snow” and going ice fishing. There’s “SNOW” place like a science lab haha!

Book List: Chemical Reactions

Bomb: The Race to Build- and Steal- the World’s Most Dangerous Weapon

by Steve Sheinkin

Bomb: The Race to Build—and Steal—the World's Most Dangerous Weapon

Florence Nightingale: The Courageous Life of the Legendary Nurse by Catherine Reef28143722. sx318

Counting On Frank by Rod Clement

See the source image

Just a Little Bit by Ann Tompert

See the source image

Let’s Experiment by Natalie Lunis & Nancy White

Image result for Let's Experiment by Natalie Lunis

Measuring Penny by Loreen Leedy

Image result for measuring penny by loreen leedy

What’s Smaller Than A Pigmy Shrew? by Robert E. Wells

See the source image

Bartholomew and the Oobleck by Dr. Seuss

See the source image

Temperature: Heating Up and Cooling Down by Darlene StilleSee the source image

Zach’s Alligator by Shirley Mozelle

See the source image

Goodnight Lab by Chris Ferrie

See the source image


2019 Lesson: Chemical Reactions

See the source image

We are learning about Chemical reactions. A chemical reaction happens when one or more chemicals are changed into another chemical. You can form new bonds or break bonds.  There are combination reactions, decomposition, displacement, redox & combustion. Chemistry is important because everything you do is chemistry. Even your body is made of chemicals. So how do you know a chemical reaction occurred? There might be a smell, a color change, a heat or temperature change, formation of a precipitate or formation of a gas/bubbles.

In class we will be making carbon snakes grow out of sand, and measure the heat temperature in a simple experiment. We will also make raisins dance and make slime to take home.

See the source image

Book List: pH/ Erosion/ Forest Fires

A Handful of Dirt by Raymond Bial

Image result for a handful of dirt by raymond bial

Dirt by Steve Tomecek

Image result for dirt by steve tomecek

Erosion by Virginia Castleman

Image result for erosion by virginia castleman

Blaze And The Forest Fire by C.W. Anderson

Image result for blaze and the forest fire

Out Of The Woods by Rebecca Bond

Image result for out of the woods a true story of an unforgettable event

The Little Hummingbird by Michael Nicoll Yahgulanaas

Image result for the little hummingbird by michael

Thundering Landslides by Louise Spilsbury

Image result for thundering landslides

Awesome Physics Experiments For Kids by Erica L. Colon

Image result for awesome physics experiments for kids book

Because Of An Acorn by Lola M. Shaefer

Because of an Acorn

Are Trees Alive? by Debbie S. Miller

Image result for are trees alive by debbie

2019 Lesson: pH/ Erosion/ Forest Fires

Image result for Brian head fire

The students will be learning about how not all forest fires are bad. The ash from the fire can enrich the soil and actually make it better for new regrowth on the forest floor. Erosion can occur after a fire. We will be discussing the local Brian Head fire that happened a couple of years ago that burned 77,000 acres. The students will learn about the pH scale and how it is used in science.

In class the students will be testing pH soil samples to see if the soil is acidic or basic with pH strips as well as baking soda and vinegar. They will also see samples of different soils to compare to.